Portfolio Optimization Version Comparison

Features Individual Investor Portfolio Manager Enterprise
Select Select Select
RelationshipTech VendorTech VendorFiduciary
IntegrationsPaidPaidAll available
History Max5 yearsUnlimitedUnlimited
Positions Max100100Unlimited
Global Security Database
Backtest a Strategy
Analyze any Portfolio
Account Aggregation

Our account aggregation powered by Plaid, gives investors the rapid ability to link their accounts which gives them the quintessential holistic picture.This tool supports the ability to do contextual optimization for portfolios you have discretionary authority over that might be optimized in context toheld away assets, giving the investor a more optimized and more personalized solution. It also serves as a rapid Portfolio Analytics tool to give investors a true awareness of their existing diversification and performance metrics. Sadly, many banks and brokers seem to suppress this information.Investors want it. Get it here.

Optimize a Portfolio
We think, we have the best way to weigh any portfolio. Diversification Optimization creates Diversification Weighted strategies. See why we think this is your best option : https://portfoliothinktank.com/portfolio-optimization-and-analytics-results/ We invented in and it only available here.”
Risk Analysis
Performance Analysis
Automate a Strategy
Setting a strategy to automate will automatically trigger all rebalancing, re-optimizations, tax loss harvesting, hedging and stop loss or profit taking policies. While automating a portfolio strategy brings it to life; it’s best to be paired with a trading integration which makes it completely self-driving. This takes emotional, inattentive and busy humans out of the loop for routine portfolio trading operations.
Access the rules engine (Policy Tree)
Portfolio Analyzer (Standalone Workflow)Add on
A.I Predictions
Automatic Strategy Execution
Custom Branding
Engage Investors Online
User Access Control

Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
An investment policy statement outlines the rules that govern how an institution’s portfolio is to be managed. All of the top institutional investors Articulate their strategy in these documents. Everybody should have one. https://portfoliothinktank.com is pioneering the world’s first programmable investment policy statement for any investor. This is a portfolio builder on steroids and no matter what kind of investor you are, your path to a better investment strategy begins with an Investment Policy Statement. The best part is that it is not some paperweight document in your filing cabinet. The following minute after you finish articulating your personal IPS, you will have all the results, already optimized, all laid out for you nested into one of, if not the industry’s best portfolio analysis tools. Can you believe that it is free? Design yours now: https://www.gsphere.net/ips-index

Access to API
Your interface is too important to use somebody’s white labeled tool. We get it. But do not be fooled, investors need investment solutions worth paying for. Don’t have your dev team whip something together that erodes your brand equity and fails to harness the powers of A.I and then have it take 5 times longer to get it to market (don’t say we didn’t warn you) – when you can get speed, quality, time to market and world class solutions to power your app. Whether you want to roll out fiduciary advisory services or upgrade the solutions currently offered we have you covered, just like we do your investors – with fiduciary first portfolio optimization allowing you to craft your app and spend your money more efficiently. Our API tools are the same code used in our own GUI, so they are tested for maximum interoperability – something important when sixty + policies )60! Yield eight hundred and third two octillion possible outcomes – before security selection! We have done the hard work so that you can get to market fast with something that does not suck. https://api.gsphere.net/index.html Who wants to make an A.I agent?
PMS Integration

Accordion Content

Recursively Re-Optimize the Portfolio
Thematic Investing
Automatic Re-Optimization
Create a Custom Portfolio Strategy
Create Model Portfolios
Profit Taking Rules
Group Constraints (Sector, Industry, Asset Class)
Equal Weighting
Dynamic Constraints
Save, Edit and Manage Policy Trees
Capital Market Assumptions Engine
Automatic Stop-Loss Risk Protection
Monte Carlo Simulation
Diversification Optimization
Core – Satellite Strategies
Test Portfolio Variations
Customize A.I Predictions Available
Performance Reporting
Threshold Constraints
Correlation Matrix Report
Return Report
Position Performance Metrics
Diversification Alpha
Allocation Cart
Risk and Return Chart
Rolling Allocation Chart
Diversification Source Chart
Objectives Evaluation
Performance Analysis
Position Performance Chart
Benchmark Analysis
Risk Analysis
Quant Data
AttributionComing Soon
Edit a Strategy and Preserve the Track Record
Pause Automation
Manually Trigger a Re-Optimization
Build a Strategy w/o Automation
Account Sync Frequency for Outside Accounts Daily
Bank / Broker Dealer
OMS Integration
CRM Integration
Rebalancing Integration
Risk Profiling
Export to Excel
Automatic Rebalancing
Automatic Monitoring
Custom Benchmarks
Historical Allocations
Website Embedded Portfolio Views
Portfolio Reports
Portfolios of Portfolios
Online Investor Portal
Account Aggregation with Plaid
Portfolio Analyzer Add On
Diversification Overlay
Portfolios of Portfolios
Fix My Portfolio
Before and After
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Account Opening
Multi-Portfolio View
Request Recommendations (Per Year)339
Scan Portfolios for RecommendationsComing Soon
Advisor Led RecommendationsUnlimited
Recommendation Acceptance Policies
RelationshipTech VendorTech VendorFiduciary
History Max5 YearsUnlimitedUnlimited
Positions Max100200Unlimited
Support Caddy
Set User Roles
Automate a Strategy
Backtest a Strategy
Document Your Investment Process
Systematize any Strategy
Score Portfolio Diversification
Compare Portfolios
Differentiate your Business
Advise and Educate Investors
Curate and Log Buy Lists
Create a Proposal
Online Transfer and Funding
Online Investor Portal
Engage Investors Online
Comply with ERISA Prudence Requirements and NOCLAR Liability
Organize Strategies
Audit Logs
Provide Objectives Matching on Backtests
Custom Disclaimer
Set Disclaimer Trigger
Custom Disclosure
Global Security Database
Short Selling
Import Your Own Assets
Arithmetic Positions (Spread Trading / Ratios) Coming Soon
Dedicated VM
OAuth with Google
Enterprise Firewalls
Daily Backups
Two Factor Authentication
API Product Key
User Access Reports
Give Investors Policy Tree Viewing for Full Disclosure
Set and Curate Watchlists
Define Asset Classes
Rearrange the Investment Policy Statement
Edit Elements from Investment Policy Statement
Define and Create Asset Class Templates
Online Support Library / Resources
Phone Support
Email Support
Case Work Support

Portfolio Optimization Version Comparison

Individual Investor

RelationshipTech Vendor
History Max5 years
Positions Max100
Global Security Database
Backtest a Strategy
Analyze any Portfolio
Account Aggregation
Optimize a Portfolio
Risk Analysis
Performance Analysis
Automate a Strategy
Access the rules engine (Policy Tree)
Portfolio Analyzer (Standalone Workflow)
A.I Predictions
Automatic Strategy Execution
Custom Branding
Engage Investors Online
User Access Control
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Access to API
PMS Integration
Portfolio Construction
Recursively Re-Optimize the Portfolio
Thematic Investing
Automatic Re-Optimization
Create a Custom Portfolio Strategy
Create Model Portfolios
Profit Taking Rules
Group Constraints (Sector, Industry, Asset Class)
Equal Weighting
Dynamic Constraints
Save, Edit and Manage Policy Trees
Capital Market Assumptions Engine
Automatic Stop-Loss Risk Protection
Monte Carlo Simulation
Diversification Optimization
Core – Satellite Strategies
Test Portfolio Variations
Customize A.I Predictions
Performance Reporting
Threshold Constraints
Correlation Matrix Report
Return Report
Position Performance Metrics
Diversification Alpha
Allocation Cart
Risk and Return Chart
Rolling Allocation Chart
Diversification Source Chart
Objectives Evaluation
Performance Analysis
Position Performance Chart
Benchmark Analysis
Risk Analysis
Quant Data
Edit a Strategy and Preserve the Track Record
Pause Automation
Manually Trigger a Re-Optimization
Build a Strategy w/o Automation
Account Sync Frequency for Outside Accounts
Bank / Broker Dealer
OMS Integration
CRM Integration
Rebalancing Integration
Risk Profiling
Export to Excel
Automatic Rebalancing
Automatic Monitoring
Custom Benchmarks
Historical Allocations
Website Embedded Portfolio Views
Portfolio Reports
Portfolios of Portfolios
Online Investor Portal
Account Aggregation with Plaid
Portfolio Analyzer
Diversification Overlay
Portfolios of Portfolios
Fix My Portfolio
Before and After
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Account Opening
Multi-Portfolio View
Request Recommendations (Per Year)3
Scan Portfolios for Recommendations
Advisor Led Recommendations
Recommendation Acceptance Policies
RelationshipTech Vendor
History Max5 Years
Positions Max100
Support Caddy
Set User Roles
Use Case
Automate a Strategy
Backtest a Strategy
Document Your Investment Process
Systematize any Strategy
Score Portfolio Diversification
Compare Portfolios
Differentiate your Business
Advise and Educate Investors
Curate and Log Buy Lists
Create a Proposal
Online Transfer and Funding
Online Investor Portal
Engage Investors Online
Comply with ERISA Prudence Requirements and NOCLAR Liability
Organize Strategies
Audit Logs
Provide Objectives Matching on Backtests
Custom Disclaimer
Set Disclaimer Trigger
Custom Disclosure
Global Security Database
Short Selling
Import Your Own Assets
Arithmetic Positions (Spread Trading / Ratios)
Dedicated VM
OAuth with Google
Enterprise Firewalls
Daily Backups
Two Factor Authentication
API Product Key
User Access Reports
Give Investors Policy Tree Viewing for Full Disclosure
Set and Curate Watchlists
Define Asset Classes
Rearrange the Investment Policy Statement
Edit Elements from Investment Policy Statement
Define and Create Asset Class Templates
Help & Support
Online Support Library / Resources
Phone Support
Email Support
Case Work Support

Portfolio Manager

RelationshipTech Vendor
History MaxUnlimited
Positions Max200
Global Security Database
Backtest a Strategy
Analyze any Portfolio
Account Aggregation
Optimize a Portfolio
Risk Analysis
Performance Analysis
Automate a Strategy
Access the rules engine (Policy Tree)
Portfolio Analyzer (Standalone Workflow)Add on
A.I Predictions
Automatic Strategy Execution
Custom Branding
Engage Investors Online
User Access Control
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Access to API
PMS Integration
Portfolio Construction
Recursively Re-Optimize the Portfolio
Thematic Investing
Automatic Re-Optimization
Create a Custom Portfolio Strategy
Create Model Portfolios
Profit Taking Rules
Group Constraints (Sector, Industry, Asset Class)
Equal Weighting
Dynamic Constraints
Save, Edit and Manage Policy Trees
Capital Market Assumptions Engine
Automatic Stop-Loss Risk Protection
Monte Carlo Simulation
Diversification Optimization
Core – Satellite Strategies
Test Portfolio Variations
Customize A.I Predictions
Performance Reporting
Threshold Constraints
Correlation Matrix Report
Return Report
Position Performance Metrics
Diversification Alpha
Allocation Cart
Risk and Return Chart
Rolling Allocation Chart
Diversification Source Chart
Objectives Evaluation
Performance Analysis
Position Performance Chart
Benchmark Analysis
Risk Analysis
Quant Data
Edit a Strategy and Preserve the Track Record
Pause Automation
Manually Trigger a Re-Optimization
Build a Strategy w/o Automation
Account Sync Frequency for Outside Accounts
Bank / Broker Dealer
OMS Integration
CRM Integration
Rebalancing Integration
Risk Profiling
Export to Excel
Automatic Rebalancing
Automatic Monitoring
Custom Benchmarks
Historical Allocations
Website Embedded Portfolio Views
Portfolio Reports
Portfolios of Portfolios
Online Investor Portal
Account Aggregation with Plaid
Portfolio AnalyzerAdd On
Diversification Overlay
Portfolios of Portfolios
Fix My Portfolio
Before and After
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Account Opening
Multi-Portfolio View
Request Recommendations (Per Year)3
Scan Portfolios for Recommendations
Advisor Led Recommendations
Recommendation Acceptance Policies
RelationshipTech Vendor
History MaxUnlimited
Positions Max200
Support Caddy
Set User Roles
Use Case
Automate a Strategy
Backtest a Strategy
Document Your Investment Process
Systematize any Strategy
Score Portfolio Diversification
Compare Portfolios
Differentiate your Business
Advise and Educate Investors
Curate and Log Buy Lists
Create a Proposal
Online Transfer and Funding
Online Investor Portal
Engage Investors Online
Comply with ERISA Prudence Requirements and NOCLAR Liability
Organize Strategies
Audit Logs
Provide Objectives Matching on Backtests
Custom Disclaimer
Set Disclaimer Trigger
Custom Disclosure
Global Security Database
Short Selling
Import Your Own Assets
Arithmetic Positions (Spread Trading / Ratios)
Dedicated VM
OAuth with Google
Enterprise Firewalls
Daily Backups
Two Factor Authentication
API Product Key
User Access Reports
Give Investors Policy Tree Viewing for Full Disclosure
Set and Curate Watchlists
Define Asset Classes
Rearrange the Investment Policy Statement
Edit Elements from Investment Policy Statement
Define and Create Asset Class Templates
Help & Support
Online Support Library / Resources
Phone Support
Email Support
Case Work Support


History MaxUnlimited
Positions MaxUnlimited
Global Security Database
Backtest a Strategy
Analyze any Portfolio
Account Aggregation
Optimize a Portfolio
Risk Analysis
Performance Analysis
Automate a Strategy
Access the rules engine (Policy Tree)
Portfolio Analyzer (Standalone Workflow)
A.I Predictions
Automatic Strategy Execution
Custom Branding
Engage Investors Online
User Access Control
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Access to API
PMS Integration
Portfolio Construction
Recursively Re-Optimize the Portfolio
Thematic Investing
Automatic Re-Optimization
Create a Custom Portfolio Strategy
Create Model Portfolios
Profit Taking Rules
Group Constraints (Sector, Industry, Asset Class)
Equal Weighting
Dynamic Constraints
Save, Edit and Manage Policy Trees
Capital Market Assumptions Engine
Automatic Stop-Loss Risk Protection
Monte Carlo Simulation
Diversification Optimization
Core – Satellite Strategies
Test Portfolio Variations
Customize A.I PredictionsAvailable
Performance Reporting
Threshold Constraints
Correlation Matrix Report
Return Report
Position Performance Metrics
Diversification Alpha
Allocation Cart
Risk and Return Chart
Rolling Allocation Chart
Diversification Source Chart
Objectives Evaluation
Performance Analysis
Position Performance Chart
Benchmark Analysis
Risk Analysis
Quant Data
AttributionComing Soon
Edit a Strategy and Preserve the Track Record
Pause Automation
Manually Trigger a Re-Optimization
Build a Strategy w/o Automation
Account Sync Frequency for Outside AccountsDaily
Bank / Broker Dealer
OMS Integration
CRM Integration
Rebalancing Integration
Risk Profiling
Export to Excel
Automatic Rebalancing
Automatic Monitoring
Custom Benchmarks
Historical Allocations
Website Embedded Portfolio Views
Portfolio Reports
Portfolios of Portfolios
Online Investor Portal
Account Aggregation with Plaid
Portfolio Analyzer
Diversification Overlay
Portfolios of Portfolios
Fix My Portfolio
Before and After
Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
Account Opening
Multi-Portfolio View
Request Recommendations (Per Year)9
Scan Portfolios for RecommendationsComing Soon
Advisor Led RecommendationsUnlimited
Recommendation Acceptance Policies
RelationshipTech Vendor
History MaxUnlimited
Positions MaxUnlimited
Support Caddy
Set User Roles
Use Case
Automate a Strategy
Backtest a Strategy
Document Your Investment Process
Systematize any Strategy
Score Portfolio Diversification
Compare Portfolios
Differentiate your Business
Advise and Educate Investors
Curate and Log Buy Lists
Create a Proposal
Online Transfer and Funding
Online Investor Portal
Engage Investors Online
Comply with ERISA Prudence Requirements and NOCLAR Liability
Organize Strategies
Audit Logs
Provide Objectives Matching on Backtests
Custom Disclaimer
Set Disclaimer Trigger
Custom Disclosure
Global Security Database
Short Selling
Import Your Own Assets
Arithmetic Positions (Spread Trading / Ratios)Coming Soon
Dedicated VM
OAuth with Google
Enterprise Firewalls
Daily Backups
Two Factor Authentication
API Product Key
User Access Reports
Give Investors Policy Tree Viewing for Full Disclosure
Set and Curate Watchlists
Define Asset Classes
Rearrange the Investment Policy Statement
Edit Elements from Investment Policy Statement
Define and Create Asset Class Templates
Help & Support
Online Support Library / Resources
Phone Support
Email Support
Case Work Support